Sunday, September 20, 2020 – Saturday, September 26, 2020
(Phase 3 Activity):
Installation of CIP downspouts in spans 2, 3 and 4, at the north and south bridge.
Prepping the deck surface for latex modified overly along the south bridge.
Demolition of barrier at the west approach of the south bridge.
Touch-up painting on pedestrian railings and existing railings at spans 5 and 6.
Demolition of existing sidewalk at the east approach slab ramp C of the south bridge.
Stripping of the overhang brackets and formwork in span 14 and installation of railings.
Stripping and removing the overhang brackets and formwork from spans 13 and 14, at the south bridge.
Type 1 concrete repair on south bridge median barrier, in spans 6, 12 and 14, at the south bridge,
Removing and relocating materials, equipment and storage containers from the east side spans.
Chipping the remaining concrete from the original F-Shape barrier on the SW side of the south bridge.
Stripping and removing the formwork from the proposed deck drain scuppers in spans 13 and 14, at the south bridge.
Resetting existing bridge railing and historic railing in span 14, at the south bridge.
Deck surface prepping for overlay continued.
Removal of the over-hung brackets and bridge sidewalk forms at span 13.
Graded area for proposed approach slab and sleeper pad at east-bound, east abutment.
Sunday, September 13, 2020 – Saturday, September 19, 2020
(Phase 3 Activity):
Prepping surface for the latex concrete overlay, installing pedestrian and historic railing.
Construction of proposed sleeper slab at Ramp C and heat straightening at the west approach.
Installation of the proposed epoxy coated reinforcing steel for the proposed east approach slab, Ramp C bridge and span 14 sidewalk.
Heat straightening operation on the existing south fascia girder, span 14, at the south bridge.
Deck surface prepping, pedestrian and historic bridge installation stripping overhang platform, median barrier repair and joint reconstruction.
Stripping of the seal joint reconstruction at pier 14, at the south bridge.
Installation of the epoxy coated reinforcing steel for the proposed bridge sidewalk in span 15, at the south bridge.
Removal of the remaining portion of the existing armor joint at pier 14 at the south bridge.
Completed heating, straightening and bolting the new bottom flange angle to the existing south fascia girder in span 14, at the south bridge.
Stripping and removing overhang brackets and formwork from the bridge sidewalk in span 12, at the south bridge.
Placement of latex modified concrete overlay in spans 4 and 5.
Chipping and removing excess concrete from joints located at piers 2 and 3.
Hand chipping the existing deck slab on both side of the joint.
Installation of new attenuator and replacing the damaged attenuator.
Installation of epoxy coated rebars at span 15, at the south bridge.
Installation of pedestrian and historic railing.
Placement of concrete for strip seal joint at pier 14 and historic railing pockets between spans 8 and 10.
Prepping deck surface for latex modified concrete overlay.
Sunday, September 6, 2020 – Saturday, September 12, 2020
(Phase 3 Activity):
Stripping and removing the curing protection from the latex modified concrete (LMC) in spans 8 and 9, at the south bridge.
Demolition of the existing deck slab at the east abutment Ramp C bridge for the removal of the existing armor joint and Ramp C sleeper slab.
Resetting existing railing, installing historic railing and repairing south bridge median barrier.
Reconstruction of sidewalk, deck surface and surface prepping for latex modified concrete (LMC) overlay.
Installation of the epoxy rebars for span 13 sidewalk and blister.
Removal of the existing armor joint at the east abutment Ramp C bridge and started strip seal joint, at the same location.
Completion of the existing deck slab removal for the proposed bridge scupper in span 15.
Continued the heat straightening operation on the existing south fascia girder span 1, at the south bridge.
Installation of the proposed strip seal joint at the east abutment Ramp C bridge.
Forming the underside of the bridge deck and the strip seal joint for joint reconstruction.
Installation of the epoxy coated reinforcing steel for the proposed bridge scupper and manhole in span 15.
Installation of epoxy coated rebar for the steeper slab.
Installation of latex modified concrete (LMC) overlay was performed.
Stripping and removing the formwork from the east approach sleeper slab.
Placement of compound chromic acid (CR-6) and compacting the material on the sides of the sleeper.
Sunday, August 30, 2020 – Saturday, September 5, 2020
(Phase 3 Activity):
Placement of relocated deck drain scuppers in span 13 and repairing the median barrier at the south bridge.
Prepping surface for latex modified concrete (LMC) for resetting pedestrian railing and historic railing.
Completed the setting of historical rail thru span 9 and existing railing.
Installation of epoxy coated rebar for scupper.
Removal of the bottom flange of the existing south fascia girder in span 1 at the south bridge for heat straightening.
Continued heat straightening, surface prepping for latex modified concrete (LMC), resetting pedestrian railing and historic railing,
Reconstructing the scuppers and strip seal joints, backfilling at Ramp C approach and completion of deck repair.
Placement and completion of lightweight concrete for a portion of the proposed strip seal joint at pier 14, Ramp C bridge.
Completion of south bridge repair, median barrier and historic rail blockouts in spans 4-7, at the south bridge.
Installing the reinforcing steel for the proposed bridge sidewalk and overhead sign structure blister in span 13.
Placement and completion of the latex modified concrete (LMC) for the proposed deck slabs in spans 8 and 9, at the south bridge.