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Sunday, December 27, 2020 – Saturday, January 2, 2021
(Final Restoration Phase Activity):
  • Prepping the concrete repairs on the west face of pier 5 north bridge, pier 4 and pier 6.

  • Installation of the electrical conduits and anchor bolts for the light pole bases on the median barrier wall.

  • Placement of concrete for the proposed median barrier at the east approach of the bridge.

  • Concrete repairs on the west face of pier 5 north bridge.

  • Prepping the under-deck concrete repair in spans 4 and 5, at the north bridge.

  • Installation of electrical conduits and anchor bolts for light pole foundation on the median barrier.

  • Concrete repairs under spans 4 and 6, at the north and south bridges.

  • Grouting the level base pad under the proposed median barrier light poles.

  • Prepping the concrete repairs on the west face of pier 3, at the south bridge.

  • Patching work around scuppers under deck concrete repair in span 4, at the north and south bridge.

  • Leveling grout around anchor bolts on the proposed light pole foundation.

  • Replacement of a door at the T base and the light pole foundation at station in the median.

Sunday, December 20, 2020 – Saturday, December 26, 2020
(Final Restoration Phase Activity):
  • Patching and parging underside of the bridge deck scuppers in span 5.

  • Hand digging, excavating and rebar installation for the proposed median barrier light poles.

  • Sawcut the control joints in the newly placed plain cement concrete (PCC) median barrier at the east approach.

  • Replacement of the navigation lighting conduit and wiring at piers 9 and 10, at the south bridge.

  • Installation of the stabilization matting on top of the existing grass on bioswale.

  • Patching and parging under the bridge and graded topsoil at the east gore and placed permanent seed.

  • Hand excavating for the proposed median barrier light poles A and B, at east median barrier.

  • Painting the existing floor grates in the maintenance platform at pier 5 and jacking angles at pier 8.

  • Patching the underside of the bridge deck and grouted the anchor bolts that were missed on pier 4, at the south bridge.

  • Installation of the junction box associated electrical conduit for the proposed median barrier light pole on the east end of the median barrier.

  • Painting yellow solid lines on the ramp to C Street.

  • Patching the underside of the proposed strip seal joint at pier 4.

  • Painting the underside of the top flange of the north fascia girder in span 8, at the north bridge.

  • Placement of permanent seed and straw mulch in the gore area east of the bridge.

  • Replacement of bolts in the existing navigation light junction box in span 10, at the north bridge.

Sunday, December 13, 2020 – Saturday, December 19, 2020
(Final Restoration Phase Activity):
  • Installation of temporary stabilization on construction entrance at north east side of the bridge.

  • Saw cutting, chipping and prepping at various locations in span 3.

  • Repaired the median barrier reinforcing steel at the east approach.

  • Replacement existing navigation light on the north face of pier 9, at the north bridge.

  • Patching operations underside of the bridge sidewalk in span 3, at the south bridge.

  • Placement of seed and temporary stabilization.

  • Completed the adjustment at the top of the reinforcing steel for the proposed median barrier east of the bridge.

  • Repairs of concrete on the west face of pier 5, of the north bridge.

  • Repairs of concrete under-deck in span 5, of the north bridge.

  • Graded bioswale at various locations and placed plant bed soil at the east approach.

  • Placement of the plain cement concrete (PCC) median barrier on the east side of the bridge.

  • Replacement and repair work on the navigational lightings.

Sunday, December 6, 2020 – Saturday, December 12, 2020
(Final Restoration Phase Activity):
  • Painting angles in span 8 and between the floor beam in spans 8 and 9.

  • Repairing under deck concrete repairs in span 9.

  • Excavating the bioswale in the median area east of the bridge.

  • Installation of epoxy coated reinforcing steel for the proposed double face median barrier east of the bridge.

  • Installation of the double conduit in the proposed median barrier wall at east of the bridge.

  • Installation of the perforated underdrain pipe for the proposed bioretention swale at the east approach.

  • Installation of the geotextile fabric on the sides of trench excavation for bioswale.

  • Placement of double washed stone bedding and encasement of the perforated underdrain pipe for the bioswale.

  • Installation of safety fence shielding.

  • Installation PVC conduit in the proposed median barrier at east of the bridge.

  • Chipping unsound concrete at east face of pier 11 in preparation for concrete repairs and patching.

  • Painting the steel superstructure in span 12.

  • Replacement of maintenance bay platform support bean in span 10 of the south bridge.

  • Installation of permanent pavement markings at the west approaches of the bridge.

  • Removal of the temporary construction entrance on the northeast side of the north bridge and loading and hauling the stone off site.

  • Patching and parging around the underside of the bridge deck scupper pours in span 3, north and south bridge.

Sunday, November 29, 2020 – Saturday, December 5, 2020
(Final Restoration Phase Activity):
  • Repair the concrete on the south face of pier 11 south bridge and west face of pier 9, at the north and south bridges.

  • Patching and parging the underside of the deck in span 1, at the north bridge.

  • Removing and replacing the steel plates on the underside of the overhead sign structure of the ramp C bridge in span 13.

  • Installation of the proposed downspouts under the new bridge deck scuppers in spans 7, 8 and 9, at the north and south bridges.

  • Completed the layout for the bioswale adjacent to the existing ramp, northbound of I-295.

  • Concrete repairs underdeck in spans 9 and 11, of the north and south bridges.

  • Installation of the junction box in median barrier.

  • Hand painting the maintenance by platform in span 10, at the north bridge and the south fascia girder.

  • Installation of the epoxy-coated rebar for median barrier.

  • Installation of the conduits in median barrier.

  • Patching under the proposed relocated maintenance by manhole in span 10, at the south bridge.

  • Painting of the rusted bolts on the south fascia girder span 1, at the south bridge.

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