Sunday, February 23, 2020 – Saturday, February 29, 2020
(Phase 2 Activity):
Installation and tensioning of the jacking angle bolts at piers 1 and 2, south bridge.
Installation of the work platform at pier 4 and 6.
Installation of the proposed bridge jacking angles at pier 2, south bridge.
Reconstruction operation of the north bridge approach slab.
Chipping around existing armor joint and armor joint reconstruction at piers 3, 4 and 13.
Core drilling and installation of historic bridge railing at span 5, north bridge.
Reset existing pedestrian railing from spans 1 – 3 and 7 – 15.
Pothole repairs completed.
Stripped the wooden work platform at pier 8.
Prepping bridge jacking operation at pier 2 south bridge.
Removal of 4 existing rivets conflicting with the proposed jacking angles at span 2, south bridge.
Reconstruction of existing armor joint at piers 3 and 4.
Grading and forming of the sleeper slab on the east side of the proposed north bridge east approach slab.
Installation of the epoxy coated reinforcing steel for the proposed sleeper slab at the east approach, north bridge.
Reconstruction of the strip seal joint and forming the underside of the proposed strip seal joint at pier 3, north bridge.
Strip seal joint replacement at piers 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9.
Prepping for the concrete repair on the existing median bridge barriers at spans 10 – 13, north bridge.
Stripping formwork scuppers at span 11 and patching holes under the bridge.
Sunday, February 16, 2020 – Saturday, February 22, 2020
(Phase 2 Activity):
Core drilling for the proposed bearing assembly anchor bolts at the west abutment.
Heat straightening operation on the existing fascia girder at span 1, north bridge.
Replacement of the bottom angle on the north fascia girder at span 8.
Paint removal using powered tool cleaning and sand blast portions of the existing fascia girder to be repaired.
Resetting the existing pedestrian railing at span 9 and 13, north bridge.
Installation of the two proposed bridge bearings at the west abutment, north bridge.
Stripping seal reconstruction at piers 13 and 14.
Installation of historical bridge railing at spans 1 - 6.
Installation of work platforms at piers 3, 4 and 9, south bridge.
Chipping around existing armor joint and armor joint reconstruction at piers 3, 4 and 13.
Placed armor joint at piers 1, 2 and 14.
Replacement and installation of jacking angles at pier 1, south bridge.
Sunday, February 9, 2020 – Saturday, February 15, 2020
(Phase 2 Activity):
Stripped sidewalk formwork at span 15 (work under bridge).
Installed angles for jacking at the south bridge.
Stripping jacking platform at pier 1, north bridge.
Removed overhangs and work platforms between piers 13 and 15.
Installed and tensioned the jacking angle bolts for the interior and exterior girders at the west abutment, south bridge.
Demolished a portion of the existing median barrier at pier 1 on the north bridge for the proposed strip seal joint installation.
Removed temporary handrail from the proposed sidewalk in spans 11 and 12.
Hand chipped existing sidewalk on the north bridge at the west approach.
Drilled for proposed historical bridge railing anchor at span 2.
Removed existing armor joint at pier 2, north bridge.
Removed demo shields for scuppers at span 13.
Installed the jacking towers for the proposed bridge jacking operation at the west abutment, north bridge.
Placed lightweight concrete for two strip seal joints at piers 7 and 13.
Completed the south half of the strip seal joint and placed the north portion of the strip seal joint at pier 13.
Cleaned and removed any debris and remaining concrete from the existing reinforcing steel.
Installed work platform for the proposed bridge jacking operation at pier 8, south bridge.
Filled potholes with bag cold patch.
Poured concrete at the proposed armor joint at piers 7 and pier 13, north bridge.
Reconstruction of the existing armor joint in span 15 at the east abutment, north bridge.
Hand demolition and chipping out the existing deck slab at the armor joint.
Reset of the existing pedestrian railing in span 12 and 15.
Stripped bridge sidewalk formwork under the bridge in spans 8 and 9.
Core-drilled holes for the installation of anchor bolts for the historic bridge railing at span 2.
Removed bearing pads at the west abutment pedestals and core-drilled for pedestal anchor bolts.
Sunday, February 2, 2020 – Saturday, February 8, 2020
(Phase 2 Activity):
Removed half of the existing armor joint at pier 13 on the north bridge and formed the bottom section.
Installed the proposed strip seal joint at pier 7.
Installed a work platform at pier 7 on the south bridge for the proposed jacking angle installation.
Installed tensioning, jacked angles at the west abutment on the north bridge after inspecting the bolts.
Installed historic railing and existing armored joints.
Removed concrete from the manholes at pier 9.
Excavated the jacking tower supports at the west abutment.
Stripped sidewalk formwork at span 14 and installed sidewalk formwork at the west approach slab.
Removed the south half of the existing armor joint at pier 1 on the north bridge and then started forming the proposed strip seal joint at the same location.
Backfilled the jack support areas at the east abutment for the bearing replacement operation for the interior and exterior girders.
Drilled for the proposed historical bridge railing anchor at span 2.
Removed existing rivets in the top flange of the exterior girder.
Removed a portion of existing sidewalk on the north west wingwall.