Sunday, January 26, 2020 – Saturday, February 1, 2020
(Phase 2 Activity):

Removed parts of the existing bridge deck for the proposed bridge scupper.
Installed epoxy coated reinforcement bars for the sidewalk on the north bridge at spans 13 and 15.
Laid epoxy coated reinforcement bars out for proposed sidewalk on the north bridge at span 14.
Installed sidewalk form work.
Installed historic bridge railing at span 1.
Installed new junction box covers in the median barrier at spans 4, 13 and 14 on the north bridge.
Placed strip seal joints at piers 2 and 7 at the north bridge.
Formed the strip seal joint in the bridge sidewalk at pier 11 and 10.
Poured lightweight concrete at the armor joint at piers 2 and pier 7 on the north bridge.
Placed lightweight concrete for a portion of the sidewalk strip seal joints at piers 4, 5 and 6 using the remaining concrete from the bridge sidewalk placement at span 13.
Placed concrete for part of the proposed sidewalk strip seal joints at piers 8, 10, 11 and 12 on the north bridge.
Formed the closure sidewalk pours at piers 2, 8 and 9 on the north bridge.
Tapped and installed new screw into the existing junction box.
Continued the bridge jacking operation at the west abutment, north bridge.
Chipped around existing armor joint at pier 13.
Reset existing railing at span 7.
Removed existing armor joint at pier 1 on the north bridge.
Continued working on punch lists items at the edge of the bridge sidewalk in span 13 on the north bridge.
Sunday, January 19, 2020 – Saturday, January 25, 2020
(Phase 2 Activity):

Installed the proposed epoxy coated rebar for the bearing pedestal at the east abutment on the north bridge.
Installed the proposed strip seal joint in the bridge sidewalk on the north bridge at piers 4 and 5.
Installed formwork at span 12.
Removed portion of the existing armor joint at sidewalk pier 8 and pier 9 on the north bridge.
Removed concrete from the deck between piers 13 and 14.
Stripped overhead brackets at span 6.
Chipped around armor joint at pier 12.
Installed epoxy coated reinforcement bars for proposed sidewalk on the north bridge at span 12.
Installed and formed the demo shield under the existing and proposed bridge scuppers at span 15.
Stripped overhead brackets at span 7.
Removed a portion of the existing deck slab for the installation of the proposed maintenance bay manhole at span 15.
Reinforced steel for two proposed bridge deck scuppers.
Placed concrete for proposed seal joint at pier 1.
Sunday, January 12, 2020 – Saturday, January 18, 2020
(Phase 2 Activity):

Prepped for the proposed bridge jacking operation at the east abutment.
Removed the overhang formwork and brackets from the proposed bridge sidewalk at spans 4 and 5.
Removed and relocated the handrail in conjunction with the overhang removal.
Installed sidewalk formwork at span 10.
Reset pedestrian railing at spans 3 and 4 and removed existing armor joint at pier 1/span 2 on the north bridge.
Installed the proposed crane mats under the interior and exterior girders.
Stripped and removed the overhang formwork and brackets from the proposed bridge sidewalk on the north bridge, spans 4 and 5.
Chipped around existing armor joint pier 1 to remove armor joint.
Installed additional epoxy coated bars to close the hole left from the existing scupper removal.
Removed concrete from the deck between piers 12 - 13 and reset pedestrian railing at span 4.
Reinforced steel for the proposed bridge scupper in span 13 prior to placing the concrete.
Sunday, January 5, 2020 – Saturday, January 11, 2020
(Phase 2 Activity):

Removed existing deck for bridge scuppers, replaced 2 scuppers and installed epoxy coated rebars.
Repaired full depth concrete repair and placed lightweight concrete in span 10.
Lowered the bridge on the new bearing pedestals at pier 2.
Removed a portion of the existing deck slab in span 11 for the proposed bridge scupper.
Tested the concrete and continued removing the existing armor joint at pier 7 on the north bridge.
Removed concrete and the replacement of the manhole frame and cover.
Excavated for the proposed bridge jacking operation under span 15.
Installed sidewalk formwork at span 9.
Installed overhead brackets on the north west wingwall.
Placed and compacted the existing and new stone under the existing exterior and interior girders at span 15 on the north bridge for the proposed bridge jacking operation at the east abutment.
Installed sidewalk formwork at span 10 and continued to rub and patch the outside edge of the bridge sidewalk at spans 6 and 7.
Stripped hangover brackets at span 5.
Stripped block out historical bridge railing at span 9.
Removed existing armor joint at pier 2 on the north bridge.
Sunday, December 29, 2019 – Saturday, January 4, 2020
(Phase 2 Activity):

Completed jacking the existing girders at pier 2 and continued core drilling for the proposed anchor bolts.
Removed concrete from deck surfaces for the removal of existing scupper and replacement of new scupper between piers 8 and 10.
Removed portions of the existing deck slab at pier 7 for the removal and replacement of the existing armor joints.
Staked elevations for proposed bridge sidewalk on north portions of East Capitol Bridge.
Installed epoxy coated reinforcing steel for the proposed bridge sidewalk at span 7 and then started installing epoxy rebar for the bridge sidewalk in span 8.
Started to sawcut and hand demo a portion of the existing sidewalk on the existing north retaining wall.
Installed 4 bridge bearings at pier 2 and formed the proposed bearing pedestals.
Removed the existing cribbing from under the exterior girder at span 15 which was not engaged.
Continued the hand demolition and removal of a portion of the existing sidewalk atop the existing retaining wall, north bridge.