JULY 2019
Sunday, July 28 – Saturday, August 3, 2019 (Phase 1 Activity):

Installation of the work platform at pier 11 (north bridge), exterior girders.
Installation of the work platform at pier 14 (north bridge).
Fabrication of deck supports for the proposed demo shield for the removal of existing overhead sign support.
Dissembling and removal of trench boxes and other material on NPS property.
Removal of existing single face barriers on the west side of the bridge.
Grading of pedestrian connection path and temporary ramp B and grading of ramp A.
Installation of temporary erosion and sediment control facilities around the newly installed inlet grates at structures on NPS property and around the temporary ramps A, B, and C.
Stakeout for temporary ramp C, between the I-295 northbound ramp and I-295 southbound ramp.
Excavation and setting of a 4’ X 4’ X 4’ electrical manhole west of the bridge in the existing median between the proposed temporary crossover pavement.
Installation of temporary 18” RCP and 18” flared end section for headwall between ramp I-295 north and ramp I-295 south (proposed temporary ramp C).
Demolition and removal of the existing PCC barrier at the overhead sign structures at span 3.
Fabrication and delivery of the pedestrian railing and historic bridge rails for the north bridge.
Fabrication and delivery of Phase 2 bridge bearings.
Please note: The travel lane on the ramp to I-295 (northbound lane) was shifted between 9:30am and 2:30pm for the temporary ramp B grading operation.
Sunday, July 21 – Saturday, July 27, 2019 (Phase 1 Activity):

Drilling the proposed jacking angles at pier 10/spans 10 and 11, interior and exterior girders.
Removal of work platform at pier 10 and installation of platform at pier 11, exterior girders.
Drilling the proposed jacking angles at pier 11/spans 11 and 12, interior and exterior girders.
Dissembling and removal of trench boxes and other material on NPS property.
Lowering of existing street light conduit on east side at temporary ramp A.
Grading of proposed temporary ramps A and B/C.
Removal of the existing PCC barrier on the west side of the bridge (eastbound) along with the removal of the existing PCC curb on the west side of the bridge (westbound).
Placing straw mulch for temporary stabilization on the denuded median area on the west side of the bridge between eastbound and westbound.
Cleaning of the existing storm sewer connection pipes and catch basin on south I-295 ramp.
Fabrication of the pedestrian railing and historic bridge rails for the north bridge.
Fabrication of the bride bearings.
Sunday, July 14 – Saturday, July 20, 2019 (Phase 1 Activity):

Drilling and installation of jacking angles at pier 9/spans 9 and 10 (all bolts inspected with calibrated torque wrench).
Removal of the work platform from pier 9 and relocation to pier 10.
Removal of existing rivets in the top and bottom flanges of the existing floor beam at pier 10/spans 10 and 11 (north bridge).
Drilling the proposed jacking angles at pier 10/span 10 and 11, interior and exterior girders.
Backfilling for 18-inch RCP storm pipe trench for pedestrian connection path on NPS property.
Installation of storm drain between the proposed manhole and catch basin on NPS property.
Stripping and stockpiling existing topsoil in the median area east of the bridge for proposed ramp A and proposed ramp C along with laying out temporary ramp B.
Demolition of the median barrier at the east side of the bridge and removal of jersey concrete barrier from the ramp to I-295 north.
Placement of truck mounted attenuator (TMA) to provide protection from the blunt end of the demolished barrier at the east end of the project.
Removal of two existing light poles on the west end of the project and installation of generator to be used to power the existing street lights across the bridge.
Fabrication of the pedestrian railing and historic bridge rails for the north bridge.
Fabrication of the bride bearings.
Please note: traffic was shifted on the ramp to I-295 (northbound lane) to the right side of the ramp on Monday July 15 and Wednesday, July 16 between 9:30am and approximately 2:30pm for barrier demo and removal operation.
Sunday, July 7 – Saturday, July 13, 2019 (Phase 1 Activity):

Installation of work platforms at pier 9 (north bridge).
Drilling and installation of jacking angles at pier 9 (drilled 32 holes, installed 8 jacking angles and 4 plates).
Removal of the 16 rivets that conflicted with the proposed jacking angles.
Mobilization and set-up of barges at pier 10 (north bridge).
Testing of the torque at pier 7 (north bridge).
Backfilling and compaction (using trench roller) for 18-inch RCP storm pipe trench for pedestrian connection path on NPS property and excavation of soil (density test completed).
Installation of storm drain and set-up of proposed manhole at pedestrian connection path on NPS property (compaction test performed).
Stripping and stockpiling existing topsoil at the gore area east of the bridge for proposed ramp A and ramp B, along with laying out of the edges of ramp A and ramp B.
Test pitting for location of existing Pepco utility.
Demolition of the median barrier at the east side of the bridge and removal of median barrier at the temporary crossover east of the bridge.
Placement of truck mounted attenuator (TMA) at the east of the eastbound lanes of the bridge to protect the demolition crew.
Fabrication of the pedestrian railing and historic bridge rails for the north bridge.
Fabrication of the bride bearings.
Sunday, June 30 – Saturday, July 6, 2019 (Phase 1 Activity):

Drilling and installation of the proposed jacking angles at pier 8/span 9, interior and exterior girders on Kingman Island (all bolts inspected using torque wrench).
Installation of additional erosion and sediment control measures behind the existing jersey barriers on I-295 northbound.
Saw cutting at the base of the median barrier to demolish the existing median barrier along the east of the project.
Test pitting to locate the existing Pepco line potentially in the footprint for proposed temporary Ramp A.
Excavation of trench (approximately 2.0' - 2.83' wide by approximately 2.5’ - 3.0' deep) and stone placement for erosion control.
Excavation for 18-inch RCP and placement of stone bedding materials prior to installation of 18-inch RCP storm pipe (compaction testing completed).
Removal and stockpiling of topsoil at temporary ramp A.
Removal of existing tree on NPS property.
Removal of the work platforms from piers 7 and 8 (north bridges) and mobilization to pier 9.
Fabrication of the pedestrian railing and historic bridge rails for the north bridge.
Fabrication of the bride bearings.